Monday, September 17, 2007

General Notes from "Sweet Poison"


Acesulfame K

+testing isn't thorough because most of it is performed on animals rather than humans

+animal tests indicate that it stimulates insulin which 'aggrivates' hypoglycemia, lung/breast and obscure organ tumors, and leukimia and severe respiratory affects ("even when less than the maximum dose was given")


+discovered as an ulcer drug

Side Effects; 1.headache (most common)

Headache study;

Up to 11% of patients with chronic migraine headaches reported headaches triggered by aspartame; however, a double-blind challenge with three doses of 10 mg/kg given every 2 hours triggered no more headaches than did placebos in patients with vascular headaches believed to be exacerbated by aspartame. A small, double-blind 4-week trial showed an increase in frequency of headaches after ingestion of 1200 mg/d, indicating that a longer challenge period may be necessary.

2. neuropsychiatric disorders (or amplifies them)


A small, double-blind crossover study of patients with major depression revealed a higher incidence of reactions in these patients compared with nondepressed volunteers after administration of 30 mg/kg for 7 days; symptoms included headache, nervousness, dizziness, memory impairment, nausea, temper outbursts, and depression. None of these conditions has been rigorously proven to be caused by aspartame, but carefully conducted double-blind challenges may be indicated in patients with histories that suggest aspartame as a cause.


+present in drugs

+the same amount in a child's daily dose of asprin is in a bottle of diet soda (yuck!)

+heavy use of it has been linked to bladder cancer

+ Ingestion of saccharin-adulterated milk formula by infants was associated with irritability, hypertonia, insomnia, opisthotonos, and strabismus, which resolved within 36 hours after ingestion.


+ Pre-approval knowledge was that it enlarged the liver and kindeys and shrunk the thymus up to %40

+Apparently the manufacturer claimed it didn't break down at all, but if this was true it wouldn't have any flavor on the tongue.
--It does break down some in the digestive system. (More research needed)

+No long term studies done for sucralose


+harvasted from the plant asteraceae which grows in Brazil

+banned from being used normally despite toxology reports done by Japan, but is allowed in supplements

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